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One of the things that I love about my job as a NICU nurse is the opportunity to sign up to be a patient’s primary nurse. When you sign up to become a primary nurse, you are choosing to be assigned to that patient every shift that you work. There are a number of reasons […]

Family, Milestones

August 17, 2021

Bodhi | A Milestone Session in Pendleton, Indiana

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I loved getting to meet this little guy! This session was all about celebrating Nosa turning one. He was a little bit shy at first but quickly warmed up to me within a few minutes! He enjoyed playing with his balloons, showed off his walking skills, and even got to swing with his brother at […]


July 29, 2021

Nosa | A One Year Milestone Session in Carmel, IN

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I have been so behind on blogging the past few months. What a better way to get back into it than with this cutie!? Mary Eileen turned one last month! She is such a joy to be around, and her parent’s are pretty great too đŸ˜‰ John & MK, it has been so fun for […]

Family, Milestones

February 18, 2021

Mary Eileen | Lifestyle Milestone Session in Indianapolis, IN

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This sweet girl is one! During her session Lennon played, snuggled with mommy, cozied up under a blanket for story time, and then ate some cake! We tried to encourage Lennon to smash her cake, but she was too worried about getting dirty! We even tried to hide goldfish (one of her favorite snacks) in […]


October 10, 2020

Lennon | Carmel, Indiana